OUT (1)

In mediums such as television shows, movies, comic books and novels, characters that come from the LGBT community are more further and far between than their heterosexual counterparts and more often that not are treated poorly by writers. LGBT characters can become the butt of the joke in a lot a comedies and in genres that are more dominated by action and danger, these kinds of characters tend to be killed off for shock value. This is where Ace Out comes into play, as a blog that aims to bring appreciation to characters that don’t fall into this category of existing as a form of token diversity that are used as mere plot devices that can be disposed of to further the story and motivations of other characters. For this reason, Ace Out will be straying away from characters that do not have character development outside of their respective sexualities, whose deaths and misfortunes are used to further the development of other characters or whose sexuality is only used to fetishize sexualities outside of heterosexuality.

With that, please feel free to enjoy the blog and the array of characters that are going to be making their way onto this blog.